The Ingot Programming Language Help

File Formats

Source File (.ing, Ingot)

The source code in Ingot format. The preprocessed source code is also in this file format.

This can also be used to declare macros, which are expanded at compile time.

This file can also be written to provide wrappers for libraries that are not written in Ingot, but instead in standard .mcfunction, so our Ingot code can interact with them easily.

Compiled Code (.hmasm, Hanmin's Minecraft ASM)

The mcfunction analogue to an assembly (.s) file. Each source code file gets compiled down into this hmasm format.

Note that this isn't necessarily an Ingot-specific format. Other compilers could compile to this format, or Ingot could compile to other formats instead.

Note that unlike normal machine instructions, "jumps" in mcfunction will always return back to the caller.

This format heavily resembles a normal .mcfunction file but with a few differences:

  1. Multiple functions can be present in one file. While the mcfunction format requires each function to be in a separate file, several functions can be present in this one file for representational compactness.

    • Each function had a line containing a label. The label starts with a / and is followed by the function name. Alternatively, a path and name can be specified, such as /path/to/function_name, and the function will be named function_name and placed in the hmasm_file_name/path/to folder.

    • Functions in the current file should be called without the namespace, and the compiler will automatically add the namespace. Additionally, all functions generated will implicitly have an hmasm_file_name/ prefix.

Since this format is similar enough to the mcfunction format, datapack makers could theoretically write this format by hand to leverage the advantages of writing multiple functions in one file.

Additionally, since this format is generic enough, other compilers could theoretically compile down to this format, and then use the Blastfurnace linker to link the compiled code together.

Sample hmasm file


/hello/world say Hello World! /main function hello/world

This would generate the following mcfunction files in the datapack under the folder hmasm_file_name:


say Hello World!


function namespace:hmasm_file_name/hello/world
Last modified: 30 January 2024